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Japan, Thailand Cooperate on End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling

J apan's New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and Thailand's Ministry of Industry (MOI) and Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) have jointly conducted a demonstration project for the recycling of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs). In Thailand, the popularity of vehicles has been advancing and the increase of ELVs is anticipated down the road. The demonstration project was conducted as part of the measures to address ELVs. At present, however, there is no legal system for ELVs in Thailand.

The demonstration project was carried out as one of the themes of "Demonstration Projects to Introduce Energy-Saving Resource Circulation Systems in Asia," which has been implemented since FY2016. Following external expert examinations based on the results of feasibility studies conducted in FY2017, the demonstration project in Thailand will be carried out over three years from FY2018.